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Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy

Some visual conditions cannot be treated effectively with glasses, contacts, or patching alone and may require Vision Therapy. Vision Therapy is like “physical therapy” for the eyes and brain. Vision Therapy is an individualized treatment program designed to help the two eyes work together better as a team. Our Doctors use specialized optical devices, therapeutic lenses, prisms, filters, and computer programs to train the eyes.

Children, as well as adults, can benefit from Vision Therapy with visual challenges such as:

•Learning Related Visual Problems: Vision Therapy can help build the necessary visual skills for effective reading, writing, and learning. These skills include focusing at near, eye-teaming, eye-tracking, hand-eye coordination, and visual processing.

•Convergence Insufficiency (common near vision problem): This is a disorder that can affect a person’s ability to read, learn, and work at near. A child can pass the 20/20 eye chart test and still have Convergence Insufficiency. Scientific research done by the National Eye Institute and Mayo Clinic have proven that in-office Vision Therapy is the best treatment for Convergence Insufficiency.

•Amblyopia (lazy eye), Diplopia (double vision), and Strabismus (crossed-eyes, wandering eye, or eye turn): These conditions can cause a reduction in vision if they are not treated correctly. Vision Therapy is an effective non-surgical treatment for these conditions to build new eye-coordination skills. If you child has been diagnosed with Amblyopia and your tired of patching, you now have another option. Dr. Porter uses an eye drop that dilates the pupil and blurs the image seen by the unaffected eye. By doing this it makes the lazy eye stronger without the sticky dark patch.

•Visual Rehabilitation: Vision can be compromised as a result of trauma to the nervous system. Vision Therapy and optical devices such as prisms can effectively treat the consequences of brain trauma including double vision.

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